Have you always wanted to draw a portrait of your pet but just didn’t know where to start? Let me help you draw a beautiful portrait of your pet that you can be proud of. I will even do the overall drawing for you before class so you don’t have to worry about getting your pet drawn accurately. Just send me the photo and I will draw a template for you to trace during the class. If you are going to take the class online, I will send you a digital copy that you can print and trace during the class.
In this course you will learn how to draw a portrait of your pet from a photograph that you have taken, using colored pencils. You will learn the basic skills and the principles of color theory, and apply them in order to create a variety of light effects rendered in textured, fur coats on pets. The course is designed to teach absolute beginners how to draw with enough confidence to continue on their own, but offers instruction and techniques that students who have already experimented with colored pencil may find enlightening and instructive, and may not have learned in another beginner colored pencil class.
Class Format:
This is both an in-person course and an online course. I will be teaching students in-person in a classroom while also teaching students online via Zoom. It will take two two-hour sessions to complete this painting.
I will record the course while I’m teaching and post the video afterward for everyone who took the course (both online and in-person), so you can reference it later. It may take me a few days to a week to get the video posted.
This course comes with limited email support. After you complete the course you can email me with questions and I can give you email critiques if you send me photographs of your work.
Current Course Date: Monday, June 24, 2024 from 6:00pm-8:00pm and Friday, June 28, 2024 from 6:00pm-8:00pm (MST Mountain /Denver Time)
It will take two two-hour sessions to complete this your drawing. We will be working in a very small format so you can complete your drawing by the end of the course.
IMPORTANT: This course is being taught from Montana, and we are in the MOUNTAIN time zone. If you are taking the course online, please make sure you adjust accordingly if you are in a different time zone.
If you pay for this course, and then find you have a scheduling conflict and cannot attend on that date, you apply your ticket to a future course of the same price.
There is no textbook for this course. I will teach you using my own extensive experience and expertise spanning more than three decades. However, there are several texts that I will recommend in the course for students who would like to continue to develop their skills, but no books are required for this course.
If you are taking this course online, you will need a computer that meets the Zoom app requirements. You will need a working webcam, microphone, and speakers (whether built-in or separate).
What You Will Learn:
In this course you will:
- Demonstrate mastery of basic color theory by mixing colors that accurately match the colors represented in the photograph you are drawing from using the basic principles of color theory and the color wheel, and rendering the drawing with those colors so as to match the photograph.
- Demonstrate mastery of colored pencil technique by mixing colors that accurately match the colors represented in the photograph using the basic principles of color theory and the color wheel, and rendering the drawing with those colors so as to match the photograph.
- Demonstrate mastery of craftsmanship by exercising care and precision in the execution of your colored pencil drawings, such that your drawings represent your desired outcomes as set forth at the beginning of the class; and the drawing looks very similar to the photograph.
All supplies are provided if you take the course in person.
If you take the course online, these are the supplies you will need:
I will give you a list of my favorite supplies, and what I consider to be the best or at least minimally passable for this course. However, if you already have comparable supplies, or if you do not have access to the items on my list but have reasonable substitutions available in your area, that will suffice. If you are not sure, contact me at artmaker@ceilon.com and I can help you decide if what you have will work for the course.
This class is designed for beginners and intermediate learners, so there is no need for top of the line, expensive supplies. However, you will not want to use low-quality, student-grade supplies either. You will get the best results if you use the following:
- Berol Prismacolor colored pencils OR Bruynzeel colored pencils (these are softer than other colored pencil brands and are easier to blend when mixing colors on the page)
- High quality drawing paper with a little tooth. My favorite drawing paper isn’t drawing paper; it’s printmaking paper: Rives BFK. It comes in a heavyweight and lightweight version. I use the heavyweight but for colored pencils the lightweight will work just as well. It has a soft velvety texture that is very nice for blending colors with colored pencils
- Kneaded gray eraser
- White vinyl eraser
- Handheld pencil sharpener
- Sandpaper block for sharpening pencils