Access your inner artist, realize your creative potential, and have FUN!
Have you always wanted to start painting, take an art class, or do something creative, but you didn’t know how to get started or felt you didn’t have the talent. I’ve got good news for you!
I will help you get started.
I will meet you at your level of ability and skill, and teach you what you need to know to move forward. I’ll lead you step-by-step to where you want to go.
I will help you see that talent is overrated–you already have what it takes to make art!
What many people think is natural talent is really just lots of practice! A lot of what people observe and think is the result of natural talent is really just practice and experience. Don’t compare your first day of art lessons with someone else’s years of experience! It takes NO TALENT at all to get started, and every person whose artwork you love and admire started exactly where you are–they were beginners once, too!
I will help you build on small successes to achieve greater successes in your artmaking.
I have tried and true methods that will baby-step you through the processes that will scaffold your learning experience. You will learn the easy stuff before you learn the hard stuff (walk before you run) and as you learn the basics it will all begin to feel natural, and learning the more advanced techniques will be easier. You will have “natural talent” before you know it!
Why wait until you take a class? I’ve created this FREE resource to help get you started: